Instructors Guide
The guide helps explain the difference between a vision and a goal; how short- and medium-term goals are necessary in order to accomplish a long-term goal; why visual reminders are important to have during the process; how a growth mindset affects the entire process; plus many other tools and resources. The book is broken into three chapters for use in various settings - one-on-one, group, and virtual.

Student Goal Book
The Student Goal Book can be given to each student to be personalized with his/her notes, exercises, and memories. This tool is aligned with the Instructor Guide so that service providers and students may work alongside each other in a step-by-step way.
The Student Goal Book is available in both English and Spanish.

Personal Learning Plans
The different versions of the Personal Learning Plan allow both service providers and students to keep track of progress.
It is available in both English and Spanish for students.
The Provider Version allows the service provider to keep track of their students’ progress.

Goal Setting Assessment Rubric
The Goal Setting Assessment Rubric is used as a road map to record the overall impression that the student is grasping the purpose and practice of setting goals. The final score for assessment is determined by using the rubric.

Goal Setting Student Self-Evaluation
The Goal Setting Student Self-Evaluation is designed to help students consider where they are on the journey toward fulfilling their goals. It may be used to assist both students and service providers in determining the most accurate score on the Goal Setting Assessment Rubric, while also providing space for the student to reflect and describe their experience.

IDRC Competency Skills Assessment
This tool was developed to assist states with their ID&R recruiter training. The tool can be used with new recruiters or as a refresher for seasoned recruiters. It was developed as a collaboration project with the ID&R consortium and the OSY consortium.

ID&R Tips for Recruiting OSY
ID&R Tips for OSY is a compilation of proven strategies that work when identifying and recruiting secondary-aged out-of-school youth. They were developed by recruiters who have been successfully using these strategies for many years.

Interstate Collaboration
Interstate Collaboration: OSY Recruitment and Service Providing Tips
This resource highlights some of the commonly seen barriers and challenges that OSY recruiters and service providers face when they are working with this diverse population. Also provided are several suggested strategies that other recruiters have used successfully to overcome some of these barriers.

ID&R Manual
The ID&R Manual (Field-Based Identification & Recruitment of Out-of-School Youth) was created to help recruiters new to the field review strategies and tips for working with this population, including how to recruit OSY, what questions should be asked, and activities that can be useful in the field. The activities in the module may be used separately, based on the experience level of participants in training.

Mapping with Google Platforms
Introduction to Mapping with Google Platforms Presentation
This presentation was developed by SC MEP staff to assist states in their efforts to create effective mapping systems to pinpoint possible places to recruit as well as a way to document needed follow-up efforts.

Academic Career & Readiness Skills
Academic Career & Readiness Skills (ACRES)
The ACReS lessons offer OSY an academic course for developing or improving both the critical thinking and life skills that will allow them to be successful in a formal educational environment or advance in their careers. Lessons are written at a 4th-grade reading level with consideration given to non-native English speakers.

Audio Resources
The iSOSY Audio Resources are designed to accompany several iSOSY Instructional Resources. Materials are not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.

Math for Living
Math for Living has 10 stand-alone lessons in English and Spanish designed to reinforce basic math skills while teaching practical concepts. The non-sequential, middle-school level lessons improve financial literacy and life skills with examples, practice problems, and vocabulary relating to work, smart shopping, and budgets, as well as information on resources for college.

Math on the Move
Math on the Move is a series of 24 pre-HSED math lessons in both English and Spanish geared to OSY. Designed to be used as stand-alone segments to address particular skill areas, each lesson builds upon assumed knowledge addressed in prior lessons.

Reading on the Move
Reading on the Move is a series of 24 stand-alone lessons written at a 3rd – 5th grade reading level, created to introduce or strengthen basic reading skills for OSY. Included in the lessons are basic study skills and practice using reference materials.

Write On!
Write On! is a series of writing lessons developed to complement the Math on the Move and Reading on the Move pre-HSED materials for OSY. The 15 lessons are non-sequential and written at an accessible reading level.

English for Daily Life (EFDL)
These six easy-to-use, interactive English lessons include audio and video enhancements and built-in quizzes for students to check their understanding. Ideally lessons are introduced by an instructor, helping students navigate the lesson and highlighting its many features. Students can then continue learning with the instructor, or on their own as work schedules/other responsibilities permit. Newly enhanced lessons include: Banking & Numbers, Emergencies, and Grocery Stores & Shopping. Other lessons are Car Parts & Insurance, In Your Community, and Your Health.

English for Working and Living
The English for Working and Living Curriculum Workbook and Teacher Guide include lessons designed for a novice to intermediate English speaker and contain useful information and vocabulary relevant to day-to-day living.

Español/Inglés Nivel 1 & 2
Español/Inglés Nivel 1 & 2 Spanish/English Level 1 & 2
These bilingual instructional manuals are for beginning English language learners (ELLs). The manuals contain a variety of lessons which can be copied and used as activities with OSY.

Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español 1 & 2
These bilingual lessons, divided into several podcasts, deal with pronunciation of the alphabet, everyday words and sentences, personal information, looking for employment, and other life skills that are critical to ELLs. Each piece has been written in Spanish and English, with the approximate pronunciation, following the Spanish pattern for reading.

Inglés de Sobreviviencia 1 & 2
These bilingual lessons are divided into several podcasts and are organized around chapters dealing with work, ordering food, and shopping. Each lesson begins with a short dialogue and expands to activities revolving around the targeted vocabulary.

Living in America
These audio lesson activities move from simple repetition of key words and phrases to more linguistically and cognitively challenging tasks such as listening for key words and new information within authentic conversations.

A Healthy House
These bilingual instructional packets are intended to increase the awareness and knowledge of those maintaining a household regarding cleanliness and safety. They include teaching plans, an introductory lesson, guided practice, useful vocabulary, dialogues, and pre- and post-assessments. The non-sequential format lends itself to the limited time and intermittent attendance of many students.

The Finanza Lessons were developed to increase the financial educational level of farmworkers and offer practical money management information via a service delivery model that meets their work schedules, educational levels, and language needs.

For Your Health
These lessons are designed to increase the health knowledge of migratory farmworkers through information about prevalent health concerns.

Legal Rights
These lessons are designed to increase the knowledge of migratory farmworkers regarding basic legal rights in the United States.

These lessons are designed to increase the knowledge of those who are, or are about to be, parents regarding the responsibilities of starting and nurturing a family.

Practical Everyday Life Skills
These classic lessons include: Basic Calendar Skills, Basic Map Skills, Filling out a Form, Knowing Where You Live, and Voice Mail Systems.

Bilingual Clip Sheets
Limited English proficiency profoundly hinders survival skills on many levels including awareness of and competing for adequate paying jobs, securing health and other services, finding housing, improving living standards and communicating in daily life. The sheets include the following topics: Careers, Health, Looking for a Job, Opportunities, and Survival Skills.

FYI Sheets
The FYI Sheets provide concise information on a variety of life skills and/or survival guidelines. Health, employment, legal rights, and other topics are addressed.

Career Awareness Toolkit
The iSOSY Career Awareness Toolkit helps you and your student explore themes that are important when thinking about the student's future. It is designed for the service provider to address one unit, or even one question, at a time if there are time constraints. The toolkit can be used as part of an ongoing, deeper interaction with a student or as part of a one-time conversation.

How to Run Your Own Business
iSOSY has developed a unique course for students to learn all about the possibilities of running their own business.

Pathways Guides (HSED and Credentials)
iSOSY has created several guides to help students along the pathways to earn their HSED and/or credentials. Today, more than ever, having a high school education enables one to be more prepared for further learning and to have productive employment and a stable life.

Preparing for College
Divided into 14 lessons, this course takes students on a journey, from considering the benefits of a college education and career choice to paying for college, selecting a college, planning college visits, writing a college essay and resume, preparing a college application, and being ready for a college interview.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
The iSOSY ACEs Literature Review was revised into an easy-to-use collection of graphic slides. The slides highlight the role of ACEs in the lives of migratory students and introduce some strategies that can be used by service providers to help.

COVID-19 Resources
The COVID-19 lessons were developed to address the need to help students understand the Coronavirus Pandemic. Each lesson has basic vocabulary, an activity, and a pre- and post-assessment. Additional COVID-19 materials that are updated regularly can be found on the iSOSY COVID-19 Padlet resource link.

Mental Health Lessons
The iSOSY Mental Health Lessons have been developed to help normalize conversations with migratory students around mental health and encourage access to help when someone needs it. The information contained in all iSOSY resources is based on solid research about mental illness and mental health.

Personal Wellness Training Package
The training package modules and all resources contained therein have been designed for users to learn more about personal wellness and mental health - and to teach others about issues that address and support overall wellness, with an emphasis on the unique stresses that occur in the lives or migratory students and their families.

State Mental Health Resources
The State Mental Health Resources were created to offer valid mental health resource options on a local/regional level. Each sheet includes the national Suicide Prevention Hotline and Crisis Text Line information as well.

Department of Education ELL Toolkit
The U.S. Department of Education ELL Toolkit covers a variety of topics and resources related to ELL instruction including defining legal obligations to English Learners under civil rights laws. The EL Family Toolkit was created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs.

Dropout Prevention Strategies
These strategies and their applications are designed to help staff work with migratory students who experience low levels of school engagement.

ELL Lesson Plans
These Lesson Plans are adapted from the 2008 Tennessee Migrant Education Adult ELL Class.

Teaching English to OSY
Key Strategies for Instructors Teaching English to OSY
This document is full of valuable tips for working with English Language Learners. Key strategies range from how to reach learners with varying native languages, to how to connect and build rapport with students in order to increase their comfort as they learn English, and techniques for working with adult ELL.

ESL for Migrant Farmworkers
Problem Posing ESL for Migrant Farmworkers
Problem Posing ESL for Migrant Farmworkers addresses the need for ESL materials relevant to farmworkers’ experiences and day-to-day problems. The dialogues use problem-posing ESL strategies.

Growth Mindset
This presentation introduces Growth Mindset – the idea that abilities can be developed over time with dedication and hard work – and how it relates to the lives of OSY. Growth Mindset is the opposite of Fixed Mindset, which states that an individual is born with a fixed amount of talent and intelligence.

How to Convert PDF To Photos
How to Convert PDF Learning Materials to Photos for Sharing
Students sometimes prefer to use WhatsApp to communicate with service providers and work on materials. If you use WhatsApp or other formats that do not allow you to share PDFs easily, the iSOSY resources available on the website in PDF format can be converted and saved as JPGs or PNGs using one of two methods.

Hybrid: Distance and In-Person Learning
Hybrid Lesson: Distance and In-Person Learning
This presentation shows participants examples of distance learning using the Language Experience Approach and an example of a creative art lesson from the NYMEP.

Hybrid: How to Write the College Essay
Hybrid Lesson Example: How to Write the College Essay
Using the Preparing for College resource, learn how to expand the lesson using a key feature of the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Intro To Distance/Virtual Learning
Introduction to Distance/Virtual Learning
This presentation introduces digital tools to facilitate a hybrid approach to serving migratory students.

Introduction to OSY
This presentation introduces out-of-school youth (OSY) – who they are, what they need, and how to help them realize their goals.

One-on-One and Small Group Instruction
This presentation includes a list of questions to consider before instruction begins, as well as a side-by-side comparison of the differences between one-on-one and small group settings.

OSY Educational Outcomes Table
The OSY Educational Outcomes Table, which assists in determining a student’s appropriate instructional quadrant, includes live links to resources.

OSY Relationship Building Manual
This manual is designed for anyone working with OSY to reflect on their practice and how to improve working relationships with OSY and high school students in their migrant programs.

OSY English Language Screener
Screening OSY for English language proficiency can be challenging, but determining oral language ability allows MEP staff to formulate an individual educational plan for language learning. This screener, available in print and digital formats, has been used successfully with OSY throughout the consortium to quickly assess English language proficiency and immediately begin instruction.

OSY Instructional Action Plan
This resource focuses on building an action plan including the following steps: Create an Effective Learning Environment, Building Rapport, Transition to Instruction, and Young Adult Learning Strategies.

Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
This presentation highlights the unique challenges faced by students with limited or interrupted formal education and offers strategies for service providers seeking to help them reach their goals.

Using Differentiation Strategies
Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Styles
This presentation introduces participants to various ways to teach the same material to different students in the most appropriate ways to facilitate effective learning.

Working with Language Learners
This presentation includes strategies to use with OSY with different levels of language ability, literacy levels, and general educational levels. The focus is on teaching students to improve in all four areas of language – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Department of Education ELL Toolkit
The U.S. Department of Education ELL Toolkit covers a variety of topics and resources related to ELL instruction including defining legal obligations to English Learners under civil rights laws. The EL Family Toolkit was created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs.

Dropout Prevention Strategies
These strategies and their applications are designed to help staff work with migratory students who experience low levels of school engagement.

ELL Lesson Plans
These Lesson Plans are adapted from the 2008 Tennessee Migrant Education Adult ELL Class.

Teaching English to OSY
Key Strategies for Instructors Teaching English to OSY
This document is full of valuable tips for working with English Language Learners. Key strategies range from how to reach learners with varying native languages, to how to connect and build rapport with students in order to increase their comfort as they learn English, and techniques for working with adult ELL.

ESL for Migrant Farmworkers
Problem Posing ESL for Migrant Farmworkers
Problem Posing ESL for Migrant Farmworkers addresses the need for ESL materials relevant to farmworkers’ experiences and day-to-day problems. The dialogues use problem-posing ESL strategies.

Growth Mindset
This presentation introduces Growth Mindset – the idea that abilities can be developed over time with dedication and hard work – and how it relates to the lives of OSY. Growth Mindset is the opposite of Fixed Mindset, which states that an individual is born with a fixed amount of talent and intelligence.

How to Convert PDF To Photos
How to Convert PDF Learning Materials to Photos for Sharing
Students sometimes prefer to use WhatsApp to communicate with service providers and work on materials. If you use WhatsApp or other formats that do not allow you to share PDFs easily, the iSOSY resources available on the website in PDF format can be converted and saved as JPGs or PNGs using one of two methods.

Hybrid: Distance and In-Person Learning
Hybrid Lesson: Distance and In-Person Learning
This presentation shows participants examples of distance learning using the Language Experience Approach and an example of a creative art lesson from the NYMEP.

Hybrid: How to Write the College Essay
Hybrid Lesson Example: How to Write the College Essay
Using the Preparing for College resource, learn how to expand the lesson using a key feature of the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Intro To Distance/Virtual Learning
Introduction to Distance/Virtual Learning
This presentation introduces digital tools to facilitate a hybrid approach to serving migratory students.

Introduction to OSY
This presentation introduces out-of-school youth (OSY) – who they are, what they need, and how to help them realize their goals.

One-on-One and Small Group Instruction
This presentation includes a list of questions to consider before instruction begins, as well as a side-by-side comparison of the differences between one-on-one and small group settings.

OSY Educational Outcomes Table
The OSY Educational Outcomes Table, which assists in determining a student’s appropriate instructional quadrant, includes live links to resources.

OSY Relationship Building Manual
This manual is designed for anyone working with OSY to reflect on their practice and how to improve working relationships with OSY and high school students in their migrant programs.

OSY English Language Screener
Screening OSY for English language proficiency can be challenging, but determining oral language ability allows MEP staff to formulate an individual educational plan for language learning. This screener, available in print and digital formats, has been used successfully with OSY throughout the consortium to quickly assess English language proficiency and immediately begin instruction.

OSY Instructional Action Plan
This resource focuses on building an action plan including the following steps: Create an Effective Learning Environment, Building Rapport, Transition to Instruction, and Young Adult Learning Strategies.

Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
This presentation highlights the unique challenges faced by students with limited or interrupted formal education and offers strategies for service providers seeking to help them reach their goals.

Using Differentiation Strategies
Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Styles
This presentation introduces participants to various ways to teach the same material to different students in the most appropriate ways to facilitate effective learning.

Working with Language Learners
This presentation includes strategies to use with OSY with different levels of language ability, literacy levels, and general educational levels. The focus is on teaching students to improve in all four areas of language – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.