The Living in America audio lesson activities move from simple repetition of key words and phrases to more linguistically and cognitively challenging tasks such as listening for key words and new information within authentic conversations. The lesson scripts, teacher guides, and audio files are not copyrighted and can be reproduced without permission.
Utilizando Dinero
(Using Money)
• Using Money Lesson B Introduction
• Using Money Lesson B
Ir al Supermercado
(Going to the Store)
• Going to the Store Lesson A
• Going to the Store Lesson B Introduction
• Going to the Store Lesson B
Navegando en la Comunidad
(Navigating the Community)
• Navigating the Community Lesson A
• Navigating the Community Lesson B Introduction
• Navigating the Community Lesson B
Entendiendo a las Familias
(Understanding Families)
• Understanding Families Lesson A
• Understanding Families Lesson B Introduction
• Understanding Families Lesson B
Uso del Teléfono
(Using the Phone)
• Using the Phone Lesson A
• Using the Phone Lesson B Introduction
• Using the Phone Lesson B

The Ingles De Sobreviviencia (Survival English 1) lessons are divided into several podcasts, and are organized around chapters dealing with work, ordering food, and shopping. Each lesson begins with a short dialogue and expands to activities revolving around the targeted vocabulary. These materials are not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.
Click here to access the Ingles de Sobrevivencia Book 1

The Ingles De Sobreviviencia (Survival English 2) lessons are divided into 40 podcasts. Each lesson begins with a short dialogue and expands to activities revolving around the targeted vocabulary. These materials are not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.
Click here to access the Ingles de Sobrevivencia Book 2

Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español, Libro 1 (Bilingual English–Spanish Guide, Book 1) is a bilingual instructional manual for beginning English language learners (ELLs). The bilingual lessons, divided into several podcasts, are organized around chapters dealing with pronunciation of the alphabet, everyday words and sentences, personal information, looking for employment, and other life skills that are critical to ELLs. Each letter, sentence, and expression in this manual has been written in Spanish and English, with the approximate pronunciation, following the Spanish pattern for reading. This manual is not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.
Click here to access the Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español, Libro 1 (Bilingual English–Spanish Guide, Book 1)

Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español, Libro 2 (Bilingual English–Spanish Guide, Book 2) is the second bilingual instructional manual for beginning English language learners (ELLs). The bilingual lessons, divided into several podcasts, build upon Guía Bilíngue Inglés-Español, Libro 1, providing instruction using vocabulary related to agricultural work, family life, working life, and medical terms. This manual also provides instruction in basic grammar. As in Book 1, Book 2 has been written in Spanish and English, with the approximate pronunciation, following the Spanish pattern for reading. This manual is not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.
Click here to access the Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español, Libro 2 (Bilingual English–Spanish Guide, Book 2)

Español/Inglés Nivel 1 (Spanish/English Level 1) and Español/Inglés Nivel 2 (Spanish/English Level 2) are bilingual instructional manuals for beginning English language learners (ELLs). The manuals contain lessons which can be copied and used as activities with OSY. The manual is not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.
Click here to access the Español/Inglés Nivel 1 (Spanish/English Level 1)
Click here to access the Español/Inglés Nivel 2 (Spanish/English Level 2)

The For Your Health audio files were created to enhance the For Your Health Life Skills Lessons found here.
Click the links below to access:
A Healthy Mouth
A Visit to the Doctor
Can I Get Sick from the Heat?
What You Need to Know About Pesticides